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Parish Council Committees

Finance Committee

Langham Parish Council is responsible in law for ensuring that its financial management is adequate and effective and that the council has a sound system of internal control which facilitates the effective exercise of the council’s functions. Members of the Finance Committee normally meet monthly, but always before each full Council.

Finance meetings are convened to review potential expenditure by the Council and to make recommendations for consideration at full Council meetings. Contrary to some beliefs, the Finance Committee does not make decisions regarding financial matters. It only makes recommendations to the full council ahead of the normal democratic process.

The Finance Committee is also responsible for compiling and submitting (to main Council) the annual operational budget and the Parish Precept, which is the proportion of the Council Tax which is returned to the community each year. The Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) submits the Parish Precept request to Colchester Borough Council once agreed.
Finance Committee Members:
Martin Bottwood (Chairman)
Paul Armstrong (Member)
Sally Brockman (Member)
Carol Harbach (Secretary - Minutes)

Recreation Ground & Open Spaces Committee

The purpose of the committee is to oversee the management and maintenance of the Recreation Ground; the associated play and exercise areas, and other open spaces in the village that require maintenance and upkeep by the Parish Council. It is also responsible for the ongoing development and review of existing facilities associated with the Recreation Ground.
Recreation Ground & Open Spaces Committee Members:
Lisa Ogawa (Chairman)
Anna Anderson (Member)
Peter Freeman (Member)
Bob Schofield (Co-opted Member of the Public)
Carol Harbach (Secretary - Minutes)

Planning & Infrastructure Committee

The Planning Committee currently has no delegated or executive powers and reports to the Parish Council. The Parish Council is a “statutory consultee” of Colchester Borough Council for all planning applications that are applicable to Langham. A “statutory consultee” has to be asked to comment but its opinion is one of many and planning decisions are made by the Borough Council as the planning authority with the advice of the Council Officers. The Planning Committee reviews planning matters and produces recommendations for the Parish Council. It’s important that the Council bases its comments on “policy” which encompasses National, County, Borough and Parish policy. Members of the public can also comment directly on planning applications. Meetings are required to be held in public. The Parish Council is consulted on:-

• All Planning applications within the Parish Boundary
• Significant or unusual applications in adjacent parishes
• Significant planning related matters put out to consultation by Colchester Borough Council and Essex County Council
• Some national policy developments
Planning Committee Members:
Martin Bottwood (Chairman)
Paul Armstrong (Member)
Allistair Hunter (Member)
Chris Graves (Co-opted Member of the Public)
Tony Ellis (Co-opted Member of the Public)
Carol Harbach (Secretary - Minutes)

Staffing Committee

The Staffing Committee is responsible for implementing and reviewing all policies associated with the employment of staff by the Parish Council. It makes recommendations to the finance committee and main Council on contractual conditions and pay awards and also manages the recruitment and appointment of contracted staff. Meetings of the Staffing Committee are not open to the public as they are usually considering private, contractual pay and working conditions.
Staffing Committee Members:
Paul Armstrong (Chairman)
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