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Key Pylon Project Dates

Posted by LPC on May 15, 2024

Three important diary dates for all residents who want to understand and respond to National Grid's Statutory Consultation on the proposed Norwich-Tilbury Pylons Project.

16th May: National Grid are holding a Public Information event at Langham Community Centre from 2pm - 7pm. In their own words: "Information about our proposals will be on display, including the interactive map, as well as copies of maps and technical documents. Members of the project team will be available to talk through the proposals and answer any questions."

1st June: Langham Parish Council are holding a "Drop-In" session at Langham Community Centre from 4pm - 6pm, to meet with residents to discuss their concerns about local impacts of the proposed Pylons Project. This will help inform Langham Parish Council's formal response to the Statutory Consultation, which will also be provided to Colchester City Council as input to their own City level response to the Statutory Consultation. In addition to these Village and City level responses, we encourage as many residents as possible to submit their own individual responses to the Statutory Consultation.

18th June: this is the final deadline for all responses to the Statutory Consultation.

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