Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) Questionnaire 2024
Langham Parish Council has convened a Working Group to consider how best to spend the S106 money allocated to us in order to build a new Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) on the village Recreation Ground. A specification has now been prepared. Before proceeding to competitive tender in January 2025, we would like to invite feedback from local residents on this specification. We have prepared a quick 4 question online questionnaire. We invite all interested residents to review the specification below and then complete the quick questionnaire to give us your views. Thank you for your time and any improvement ideas that you might have!
MUGA surface: Soft absorbent surfaces are best for sports like football, hockey and athletics training. Hard surfaces are best for sports like basketball, tennis and netball. We are proposing a hard surface, noting that we already have extensive grass areas suitable for football, hockey etc.
MUGA sports court markings: the MUGA trade body recommends a maximum of four different sports court markings to avoid visual confusion. We are proposing basketball, tennis, netball and pickleball/badminton (4 courts). The dimensions of a pickleball court are virtually identical to a badminton court, which means that either or both sports could be accommodated with a single set of line markings.
Mobile floodlighting: depending on the cost of quotes received, there may be sufficient funds to allow for a set of portable LED-based floodlights to be purchased. This would allow for extended evening hours play.
Accessibility & Charges for usage: we want this new sports facility to be available to all of the local community with no usage charges.
Booking system requirements: although free for all, we think that a booking system is necessary, to avoid potential conflicts between different user groups. It is proposed that this be done via an online reservation system on the Langham Parish Council website.
Our online survey of 4 questions ran from mid Nov 24 to 31st Dec 24, the results of which are shown below.
Langham Parish Council has convened a Working Group to consider how best to spend the S106 money allocated to us in order to build a new Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) on the village Recreation Ground. A specification has now been prepared. Before proceeding to competitive tender in January 2025, we would like to invite feedback from local residents on this specification. We have prepared a quick 4 question online questionnaire. We invite all interested residents to review the specification below and then complete the quick questionnaire to give us your views. Thank you for your time and any improvement ideas that you might have!
MUGA surface: Soft absorbent surfaces are best for sports like football, hockey and athletics training. Hard surfaces are best for sports like basketball, tennis and netball. We are proposing a hard surface, noting that we already have extensive grass areas suitable for football, hockey etc.
MUGA sports court markings: the MUGA trade body recommends a maximum of four different sports court markings to avoid visual confusion. We are proposing basketball, tennis, netball and pickleball/badminton (4 courts). The dimensions of a pickleball court are virtually identical to a badminton court, which means that either or both sports could be accommodated with a single set of line markings.
Mobile floodlighting: depending on the cost of quotes received, there may be sufficient funds to allow for a set of portable LED-based floodlights to be purchased. This would allow for extended evening hours play.
Accessibility & Charges for usage: we want this new sports facility to be available to all of the local community with no usage charges.
Booking system requirements: although free for all, we think that a booking system is necessary, to avoid potential conflicts between different user groups. It is proposed that this be done via an online reservation system on the Langham Parish Council website.
Our online survey of 4 questions ran from mid Nov 24 to 31st Dec 24, the results of which are shown below.
28 people responded to the online survey during the consultation window from 16th November – 31st December 2024. All the feedback is listed below in full.
Q1: If you were to suggest any alternative sports courts markings that we should consider, please indicate which sport or sports you have in mind, and why you think they would be a good alternative choice?
21 responses (+ 7 responses with no suggestions for alternative markings)
(1) Table tennis
(2) I would just like to suggest benches for viewers
(3) Cricket net
(4) Is there any evidence from elsewhere regarding what would be used? My experience of MUGAS is that they end up very underused as they are trying to be too many things but nothing properly. Eg very little badminton would be played on it due to weather, the barrier of getting a net out, and the fact that it is easy to book an indoor badminton court elsewhere.
(5) No suggestion
(6) Do all the courts need to be marked for multi sport? Could you have a basketball/netball court. A pickleball/badminton court and 2 tennis courts? Thinking about the feasibility of different nets/goals. Would someone have responsibility for setting courts up if multi use. Will the individual courts be separated with mesh fencing?
(7) Do we not have a perfectly good multi sports facility at the recently built Rugby Club
(8) Nothing else. Looks a good choice.
(9) I do admin work for two large grassroots clubs locally and I can say there is a severe lack of Astro pitches available locally. You are unable to hire an Astro pitch locally mid week between 5 pm and 9 pm anywhere, everything is booked out long-term!  You are way more likely to reap the benefits of maximum hire earnings and usage, having an Astro pitch to hire out. Also, hard surfaces become extremely slippery with leaf mush in the winter months making them almost unplayable! An Astro pitch would be usable all year round and would be hired out all year round! There are plenty of basketball, badminton, tennis courts available locally (ie at east Bergholt sports Center) which can be hired out with ease at any time. Also, people prefer to play these types sports indoors on the hole, especially in the colder months, Whereas, an Astro pitch would be used all year round especially if there were floodlights. Whilst your survey recognises there is already grass available for Football, most of the time throughout the winter months the weather makes the grass football pitches unplayable. Local grassroots teams have nowhere to train and nowhere to play matches. This is a national issue, not just a local issue. An Astro pitch would become a massive asset and would make a lot of money for the community . 
(10) None
(11) None other than those identified
(12) Basketball netball football
(13) Five-a-side football
(14) Basketball court. (Cannot tell if a full court is proposed)
(15) Pickle ball/badminton/football
(16) Happy with basketball, badminton and pickleball
(17) Quidditch would be much better than netball, because it's much more fun and people get to fly around on broomsticks!
(18) Pickleball - easy accessible sport for all ages and helps community inc older users as it is for all ages.
(19) Cricket pitch that can be used by a newly founded Langham/ boxted cricket team. Would add a greater sense of community and variety to Langham
(20) There is a massive local issue and shortage in football astro pitches locally! Speaking on behalf of 2 large local grass roots football clubs ( who I do admin for) It is almost impossible to be able to hire an Astro pitch anywhere locally mid week, between five and 9 o’clock! If you had a 5 aside and a 7 aside pitch available , it Would be hired out almost every evening ,throughout the whole year, Whereas you will find badminton hockey, etc may only be utilised in warmer months and even then, People prefer to play those sports indoors on the whole. Are there not badminton courts available inside in the sports hall already? There really is a huge demand and lack of Astro pitches
(21) Badminton markings outside are probably not very useful
Q2: Are you happy with the proposal to provide mobile LED floodlights for evening play, if there is sufficient S106 budget available to allow for this option?
28 responses
28 people responded to the online survey during the consultation window from 16th November – 31st December 2024. All the feedback is listed below in full.
Q1: If you were to suggest any alternative sports courts markings that we should consider, please indicate which sport or sports you have in mind, and why you think they would be a good alternative choice?
21 responses (+ 7 responses with no suggestions for alternative markings)
(1) Table tennis
(2) I would just like to suggest benches for viewers
(3) Cricket net
(4) Is there any evidence from elsewhere regarding what would be used? My experience of MUGAS is that they end up very underused as they are trying to be too many things but nothing properly. Eg very little badminton would be played on it due to weather, the barrier of getting a net out, and the fact that it is easy to book an indoor badminton court elsewhere.
(5) No suggestion
(6) Do all the courts need to be marked for multi sport? Could you have a basketball/netball court. A pickleball/badminton court and 2 tennis courts? Thinking about the feasibility of different nets/goals. Would someone have responsibility for setting courts up if multi use. Will the individual courts be separated with mesh fencing?
(7) Do we not have a perfectly good multi sports facility at the recently built Rugby Club
(8) Nothing else. Looks a good choice.
(9) I do admin work for two large grassroots clubs locally and I can say there is a severe lack of Astro pitches available locally. You are unable to hire an Astro pitch locally mid week between 5 pm and 9 pm anywhere, everything is booked out long-term!  You are way more likely to reap the benefits of maximum hire earnings and usage, having an Astro pitch to hire out. Also, hard surfaces become extremely slippery with leaf mush in the winter months making them almost unplayable! An Astro pitch would be usable all year round and would be hired out all year round! There are plenty of basketball, badminton, tennis courts available locally (ie at east Bergholt sports Center) which can be hired out with ease at any time. Also, people prefer to play these types sports indoors on the hole, especially in the colder months, Whereas, an Astro pitch would be used all year round especially if there were floodlights. Whilst your survey recognises there is already grass available for Football, most of the time throughout the winter months the weather makes the grass football pitches unplayable. Local grassroots teams have nowhere to train and nowhere to play matches. This is a national issue, not just a local issue. An Astro pitch would become a massive asset and would make a lot of money for the community . 
(10) None
(11) None other than those identified
(12) Basketball netball football
(13) Five-a-side football
(14) Basketball court. (Cannot tell if a full court is proposed)
(15) Pickle ball/badminton/football
(16) Happy with basketball, badminton and pickleball
(17) Quidditch would be much better than netball, because it's much more fun and people get to fly around on broomsticks!
(18) Pickleball - easy accessible sport for all ages and helps community inc older users as it is for all ages.
(19) Cricket pitch that can be used by a newly founded Langham/ boxted cricket team. Would add a greater sense of community and variety to Langham
(20) There is a massive local issue and shortage in football astro pitches locally! Speaking on behalf of 2 large local grass roots football clubs ( who I do admin for) It is almost impossible to be able to hire an Astro pitch anywhere locally mid week, between five and 9 o’clock! If you had a 5 aside and a 7 aside pitch available , it Would be hired out almost every evening ,throughout the whole year, Whereas you will find badminton hockey, etc may only be utilised in warmer months and even then, People prefer to play those sports indoors on the whole. Are there not badminton courts available inside in the sports hall already? There really is a huge demand and lack of Astro pitches
(21) Badminton markings outside are probably not very useful
Q2: Are you happy with the proposal to provide mobile LED floodlights for evening play, if there is sufficient S106 budget available to allow for this option?
28 responses

Q3: If you answered No or Not Sure to the previous question, please can you share your reasoning?
8 responses
(1) N/a
(2) Where will the money come from?
(3) Evening lighting would add to light pollution and , depending on the location (as yet undisclosed) of the MUGA, might be a nuisance to nearby residents.
(4) Light pollution, and not acceptable to people living next to or opposite the field ,depending on where you are planning to situate this MUGA
(5) Light pollution, cost of electricity which will come out of parish funds
(6) Dazzle to passing drivers and light pollution
(7) I think the quidditch broomsticks should be equipped with headlights instead
(8) I don’t think floodlights would be fair to the people who live directly by the field.
Q4: If you were to suggest any alternatives to the proposed free access for all via an online reservation system on the Langham Parish Council website, please share your ideas below and explain why you think they would represent a better approach?
19 responses (+ 9 responses with no suggestions for alternative access arrangements)
(1) Car park needs to be accessible for all times that the court is to be used.
(2) N/a
(3) It is currently good
(4) Good to have a booking system. However I don’t think you’ll have too many issues with over-use or clashes. I personally wd have gone for a soft surface as there are a lack of these around and much more demand for small sided football, which is difficult to play on grass especially in the winter.
(5) Free access with reservations arranged online would be the most equitable and convenient arrangement.
(6) N/A
(7) I think this is the perfect system, block bookings should not be allowed.
(8) This needs to be easily accessible at any time. Maybe certain days/times can be pre booked for particular groups and the rest of the time it is left open. It should be somewhere it can be used whenever possible otherwise it will end up like the tennis courts, used very occasionally by a small number of people and sitting empty. The s106 money is for the whole communuty.
(9) My concern would be that not everyone would be able to access an online reservation system. A booking system would need to be advertised really well to ensure that all residents know about it. Not every person would generally read the Langham Parish Council website. Will there be sufficient funds available to also build toilet facilities for users of the MUGA and all the other facilities at the Recreation Ground?
(10) Maybe have a charge for non residents
(11) Keep it simple. QR code links at the court to booking system, allowing the space to be booked for use when present at the courts. Not allowing far ahead bookings that are not used. If courts free, then use until next bookings turn up. Otherwise it takes the spontaneity away, which will be mostly children - children using the court should be encouraged. Let them play if noone else is there.
(12) I think the pre booking via the website is a good idea.
(13) Online sounds good, but soft court as already have 2 unused hard courts
(14) There appears to be no consideration for toilet facilities. Does the village have enough people to support these activities?
(15) should be restricted to Langham and joining villages residence only. Langham scouting should be given priority on Wednesdays in term time. they keep kids off their screens and should be supported more by the community it serves.
(16) Langham residents should have priority/ early access when booking courts. We know of family who don't live in langham and their Children often use the tennis courts.
(17) I think we should charge a king's ransom for this unique UK Quidditch venue
(18) Please could two lanes of cricket nets be also installed it doesn’t take that much space and ensures that again the game is accessible. Lots of other villages have this.
(19) There must be limits to the number of bookings/ and how far in advance they can be booked to stop block bookings blocking access to everyone else. Also how will the bookings be monitored to stop people who don’t live in the village using them? How will you decide who is allowed to use/book it, for example can people in boxted use it? How will all of this be monitored and make sure there is fair and equal access to all?
8 responses
(1) N/a
(2) Where will the money come from?
(3) Evening lighting would add to light pollution and , depending on the location (as yet undisclosed) of the MUGA, might be a nuisance to nearby residents.
(4) Light pollution, and not acceptable to people living next to or opposite the field ,depending on where you are planning to situate this MUGA
(5) Light pollution, cost of electricity which will come out of parish funds
(6) Dazzle to passing drivers and light pollution
(7) I think the quidditch broomsticks should be equipped with headlights instead
(8) I don’t think floodlights would be fair to the people who live directly by the field.
Q4: If you were to suggest any alternatives to the proposed free access for all via an online reservation system on the Langham Parish Council website, please share your ideas below and explain why you think they would represent a better approach?
19 responses (+ 9 responses with no suggestions for alternative access arrangements)
(1) Car park needs to be accessible for all times that the court is to be used.
(2) N/a
(3) It is currently good
(4) Good to have a booking system. However I don’t think you’ll have too many issues with over-use or clashes. I personally wd have gone for a soft surface as there are a lack of these around and much more demand for small sided football, which is difficult to play on grass especially in the winter.
(5) Free access with reservations arranged online would be the most equitable and convenient arrangement.
(6) N/A
(7) I think this is the perfect system, block bookings should not be allowed.
(8) This needs to be easily accessible at any time. Maybe certain days/times can be pre booked for particular groups and the rest of the time it is left open. It should be somewhere it can be used whenever possible otherwise it will end up like the tennis courts, used very occasionally by a small number of people and sitting empty. The s106 money is for the whole communuty.
(9) My concern would be that not everyone would be able to access an online reservation system. A booking system would need to be advertised really well to ensure that all residents know about it. Not every person would generally read the Langham Parish Council website. Will there be sufficient funds available to also build toilet facilities for users of the MUGA and all the other facilities at the Recreation Ground?
(10) Maybe have a charge for non residents
(11) Keep it simple. QR code links at the court to booking system, allowing the space to be booked for use when present at the courts. Not allowing far ahead bookings that are not used. If courts free, then use until next bookings turn up. Otherwise it takes the spontaneity away, which will be mostly children - children using the court should be encouraged. Let them play if noone else is there.
(12) I think the pre booking via the website is a good idea.
(13) Online sounds good, but soft court as already have 2 unused hard courts
(14) There appears to be no consideration for toilet facilities. Does the village have enough people to support these activities?
(15) should be restricted to Langham and joining villages residence only. Langham scouting should be given priority on Wednesdays in term time. they keep kids off their screens and should be supported more by the community it serves.
(16) Langham residents should have priority/ early access when booking courts. We know of family who don't live in langham and their Children often use the tennis courts.
(17) I think we should charge a king's ransom for this unique UK Quidditch venue
(18) Please could two lanes of cricket nets be also installed it doesn’t take that much space and ensures that again the game is accessible. Lots of other villages have this.
(19) There must be limits to the number of bookings/ and how far in advance they can be booked to stop block bookings blocking access to everyone else. Also how will the bookings be monitored to stop people who don’t live in the village using them? How will you decide who is allowed to use/book it, for example can people in boxted use it? How will all of this be monitored and make sure there is fair and equal access to all?
To proceed with an Invitation to Tender based on the four sets of court markings initially proposed.
To incorporate two goal recesses into the boundary fencing to allow for casual football play.
(Table tennis and cricket nets to be considered separately at a future date if funds allow).
To site the new MUGA just south of the existing tennis courts, where light pollution issues should not be a concern.
To proceed with an online booking system, with unrestricted access for all where no bookings have been made.
Usage will be monitored closely, and additional "fair use and restrictions" rules will be introduced if necessary at a later date.
To proceed with an Invitation to Tender based on the four sets of court markings initially proposed.
To incorporate two goal recesses into the boundary fencing to allow for casual football play.
(Table tennis and cricket nets to be considered separately at a future date if funds allow).
To site the new MUGA just south of the existing tennis courts, where light pollution issues should not be a concern.
To proceed with an online booking system, with unrestricted access for all where no bookings have been made.
Usage will be monitored closely, and additional "fair use and restrictions" rules will be introduced if necessary at a later date.