On 17th February, Colchester City Council's Local Plan Committee Meeting voted NOT to recommend approval of the draft Local Plan to go out to public consultation. It would be nice to think that our Langham900 email campaign and the village demonstration outside the Charter Hall played at least a small part in securing this result. […]

Langham Parish Council's response to the Norwich-Tilbury Pylon Consultation was submitted to National Grid this morning, copied to our MP and to Rosie Pearson's campaign group. A link to the document can be found below. We are grateful for the positive comments and further input material supplied by some local residents after we posted our […]

National Grid's Statutory Consultation exercise closes on 26th July. We encourage all local residents to consider making their own individual responses. Whilst we may all have valid concerns about the (lack of ) quality of the consultation process, the one thing we can be certain of is that failure to engage with the process will […]

The Secretary of State for the Environment, Food & Rural Affairs has recently confirmed an order to divert a section of Footpath 29 (and a very short section of Footpath 26) in the field between Hornestreet Reserve and Hobday Woods. Official documentation has been erected on the approaches to the revised route and is also […]

Three important diary dates for all residents who want to understand and respond to National Grid's Statutory Consultation on the proposed Norwich-Tilbury Pylons Project. 16th May: National Grid are holding a Public Information event at Langham Community Centre from 2pm - 7pm. In their own words: "Information about our proposals will be on display, including […]

A lot has happened since the public meeting of the 2nd February. Knee-jerk local sewer network inspections on 3rd Feb, Gazette and Essex County Standard news stories on 8th & 9th Feb, Anglia TV news coverage on 11th & 12th Feb, and a strongly worded letter from our MP to the CEO of Anglian Water. […]

The excellent turnout at our sewage review meeting with Anglian Water on Friday 2nd February demonstrates the continued, and indeed growing, concern about these issues. To help us lobby for improved action to address the issues, we would like to assemble a comprehensive list of flooding incidents and locations around the village. Please help us […]

Sir Bernard Jenkin has just provided a detailed email update to all of the many constituents who have written to him expressing concern about National Grid's Norwich-Tilbury Pylons project (previously known as the East Anglia GREEN project). We are sharing it here to reach a wider audience of Langham residents. It is good know that […]

A huge thank you to David Burns and Luke Marshall for their excellent and compelling presentation today, bringing residents up to date on the very latest developments regarding National Grid's East Anglian Pylon plans and the interdependencies with a number of offshore windfarm and interconnector projects. They made a powerful and well-researched case for an […]

This will be held from 2 - 4pm on Saturday 29th April at the Langham Community Centre. There will be a presentation from representatives of the Essex Suffolk Norfolk Pylon Group, to update local residents on the rapidly evolving situation surrounding the proposed East Anglian "Green" Pylon Project. The meeting has the support of Langham, […]