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07837 714615

Williamsons, School Road

Background on the Williamsons Development

This is the second site to come forward as a planning application from the three large developments identified as part of the Colchester Local Plan. It was submitted in March 2022 as an outline application for the erection 30 houses with a new access onto School Road. LPC commented on the application with a particular emphasis on the sewerage capacity problem at the Langham WRC.

Outline Approval Subject to Conditions

At the July 2022 meeting of the CBC Planning Committee, LPC spoke against approval of this application, arguing that approval should await completion of substantive progress in dealing with the sewerage capacity issues at the Langham WRC. After some debate, the Committee voted 7-2 in favour of granting outline approval.

Current Situation

The latest information regarding this development can be found on the Colchester City Council Planning Portal (link below). LPC will continue to monitor the situation and challenge any premature attempts to commence development prior to full clearance of the planning conditions.
Planning Application No. 220595
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