07837 714615

Upcoming Meetings

Apart from Staffing Committee meetings, all other meetings of the Parish Council are open to members of the public. Very occasionally there may be a need to exclude members of the public from specific items, when this occurs the rationale wil be made clear on the agenda.

Dates and time for planned meetings are shown below.
Parish Council Meetings
The Parish Council normally meets monthly apart from August and December when there is no meeting. Also, in election years, the May date may well be moved. Meetings are held at the Langham Community Centre usually commencing at 7.30pm unless otherwise stated here. Dates and start times for planned meetings are shown here:
Date: 16th May 2024

Start Time: 8.30pm

(Agenda posted 3 working days before the meeting)

Finance Committee Meetings

Finance Committee Meetings are normally held at the Langham Community Centre. Usually meetings are held to coincide with the Parish Council meetings so that invoices due for payment can be recommended for payment at the Parish Council meeting. Additional meetings are called as events may dictate.
Date: TBA

Start Time: TBA

(Agenda posted 3 working days before the meeting)
Recreation Ground & Open Spaces Committee Meetings
These meetings are held at the Langham Community Centre unless otherwise stated:
Date: 19th June 2024

Start Time: 7.30pm

(Agenda posted 3 working days before the meeting)

Planning Committee Meetings

These meetings are held at the Langham Community Centre unless otherwise stated:
Date: 17th June 2024

Start Time: 7.00pm

(Agenda posted 3 working days before the meeting)
©2024 Langham Parish Council. All rights reserved.
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